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Digit Computers Pvt Ltd

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We are authorized Quick heal Antivirus distributor and provide computer and network security solutions. The current portfolio of cloud-based security and advanced machine learning enabled solutions stop threats, attacks and malicious traffic before it strikes. This considerably reduces the system resource usage. Each Quick Heal product is designed to simplify IT security management across the length and depth of devices and on multiple platforms. They are customized to suit consumers, small businesses, Government establishments and corporate houses. We are authorized distributor of Logitech peripherals. We have a wide range of Mouse, Keyboard, Webcam, Headphones, Presenters, Speakers, Bluetooth speakers, Wireless Keyboards, Wireless Mouse. We are authorized stockist of Honeywell and deals in all its product range. Its range varies from Surge Protectors, Docking Stations, High Speed HDMI cables, Car Chargers, Audio Cables, USB Hub, Cooling Pads, Adapters, Charge and Sync Cables We are volume partner of Sparsh and deals in DVR and all types of Security cameras (IP Cameras/ HD Analog Cameras/ Traffic Cameras) We are super stockist of Cyber Power. Cyber Power manufactures professional-grade power protection equipment. These proven, trusted power management solutions meet the most critical requirements of home offices, small-to-medium businesses, corporate offices, government and education facilities. We deals in Online and Offline UPS. We are strategic Partner of NowFloats technologies which helps a client to increase their internet visibility to get more customers who are searching for your kind of products and services. It also helps in providing online discovery to a business and attracts more customers for them thus increasing their revenue.
